If a water bowl is large enough to last Jake even half a day, his ears get dipped in the water, and then he invariably lands in my lap before shaking off the water. The little bowl I picked up at a local shop is small, shaped nicely so his ears fall outside the bowl. That means we are forever refilling it thru the day. So I resolved to find real Spaniel bowls, and one that would be large enough but not so heavy as to be cumbersome to pick up. So today I talked to Cindy Koehring about her lovely bowls she makes herself, fires twice, and has them in different colors and patterns. Take a look at the
Spaniel Bowls here! You can even order water bowl w/ food bowl to match. Just one problem...we talked dogs for so long we never got around to putting an order together before dinner time. That means we get to talk again tomorrow, at which time I can actually order Jake's bowl. "Dog people" are funny. Even if they've never met, never heard of one another, you get two of them on the phone and it goes on indefinitely.